7 Things You Should Know About Tankless Water Heaters

7 Things You Should Know About Tankless Water Heaters

--When it comes to heating water for your home, traditional tank water heaters have been the go-to choice for many years. However, in recent times, tankless water heaters have gained popularity due to their energy efficiency, space-saving design, and on-demand hot water delivery. If you're considering making the switch to a tankless water heater or just want to learn more about this technology, here are seven essential things you should know.

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  • Continuous Hot Water Supply

One of the most significant advantages of tankless water heaters is their ability to provide a continuous supply of hot water. Unlike traditional tank heaters that store a finite amount of hot water, tankless heaters heat water on-demand as it flows through the unit. This means you'll never run out of hot water during a shower or while doing the dishes, making them an excellent choice for households with high hot water demand.

  • Energy Efficiency

Continuous Hot Water Supply | HAI

Tankless water heaters are known for their energy efficiency. They only heat water when you need it, which eliminates standby heat loss, a common issue with traditional tank heaters. This can result in significant energy savings, potentially reducing your monthly utility bills. Additionally, tankless heaters are often ENERGY STAR certified, further emphasizing their energy efficiency.

  • Space-Saving Design

Tankless water heaters are compact and wall-mounted, freeing up valuable floor space in your home. Traditional tank heaters, on the other hand, can be bulky and take up a substantial amount of room. If you have limited space, a tankless water heater can be a smart choice.

  • Longer Lifespan

Tankless water heaters typically have a longer lifespan compared to traditional tanks. While tank heaters may last around 10-15 years, tankless models can last up to 20 years or more with proper maintenance. This longevity can provide a good return on your investment over time.

  • Initial Costs

While tankless water heaters offer long-term savings, their initial purchase and installation costs can be higher than those of traditional tank heaters. However, it's essential to consider the long-term savings on energy bills and the extended lifespan of tankless units when evaluating the cost-effectiveness.

  • Proper Sizing is Crucial

Selecting the right-sized tankless water heater is critical to ensure it meets your hot water needs. Undersized units may struggle to provide enough hot water during peak usage times, while oversized units could lead to energy waste. Consult with a professional to determine the appropriate size for your household's demands.

  • Maintenance Requirements

Maintenance Requirements | HAI

Tankless water heaters require regular maintenance to function optimally. This includes flushing the unit to remove mineral buildup, checking for leaks, and ensuring proper ventilation. While maintenance is relatively straightforward, it's essential to factor in these tasks to keep your tankless water heater running efficiently.


Tankless water heaters offer several advantages over traditional tank heaters, including continuous hot water, energy efficiency, and a space-saving design. However, they come with higher upfront costs and require proper sizing and maintenance. By understanding these seven key factors, you can make an informed decision about whether a tankless water heater is the right choice for your home. Ultimately, the long-term savings and convenience they provide often make them a worthwhile investment.

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